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Convention 2007

3.1. Proposal: Changing Cash book rules

Changing the following point of the cash book rules:

Costs for traveling and registrations

All members of the board get 10 Cent per kilometer to go to a European presidents meeting…


All members of the board get 20 Cent per kilometer to go to a European presidents meeting…


The cash book rules were decided in 2002. Meanwhile the costs for gas rose up and costs for traveling to official Blue Knights meetings rose also.

Submitted by:

Holk Opitz, EC – Secretary

Second by:

Heike Schultz, EC – Treasurer

After discussion the proposal failed.

Voting by rising hand:

Yes 12 votes

No 28 votes

The proposal failed.

3.3. Changing the cash book rules

Changing the cash book rules as following:

Associated members get their costs also as regular board members for traveling to European president meetings and board meetings.

Submitted by: Holk Opitz, EC - Secretary

Seconded by: Koen Hutse, International Representative

After discussion the proposal carried by a majority voting.

3.4. Proposal: European Blue Knights magazine

Starting up a European News Magazine. After having talked about it last year, we found that, for the moment, it is impossible to send it to all the members. Therefore, we place it on the net.

Assign a special place on the net for the magazine

Appointing a European Editor, who, like the webmaster is assessed to the board, but has no voting-right.

When it goes better, we can look for ways to send it home to the members, and even use it as a commercial unit to attain new BK in Europe. This will cost money, and that is for the board and the editor to find out what way we are going find that.


We get to know more of Europe.

Should give as a result better European contacts, and a board that can easily contact the members


language: English

Over the internet


Negligible: name-tag is enough. The rest is on my PC

Submitted by:

Roelandt Ronald (Snelle Eddy), candidate European Editor

Roelandt explained his concept and after discussion the proposal carried by a majority vote.

3.5. Proposal: European Convention / International meeting

In future it is not allowed that an international meeting in the European Conference takes place at the same date like the European Convention.


In this year a meeting that was planed at the same date like the European Convention had to be cancelled, because of not enough invitations.

All Presidents should have the possibility to take part at the European Convention. This is not possible when a chapter celebrates a meeting at the same date.

Submitted by:

Holk Opitz, EC – Secretary

After discussion the proposal was cancelled by the EC – Secretary. 


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